
Monday, February 17, 2020

One Additional Tool How to fight Climate Change Problems

"Bezos Earth Fund" is the newest effort added to the war against climate change impact on our planet. The initiative is announced by Jeff Bezos, owner of Amazon and the richest man in the world.  

Jeff Bezos has announced to allocate $10 billion to his newest initiative, the creation of Bezos Earth Fund. In this way, he is lined up with many other celebrities that accept climate change notions and are active to support efforts and actions to fight its negative impacts on the earth.    

The words he wrote on his Instagram account explain clearly what he is trying to do: 

 "Climate change is the biggest threat to our planet. I want to work alongside others both to amplify known ways and to explore new ways of fighting the devastating impact of climate change on this planet we all share. This global initiative will fund scientists, activists, NGOs - any effort that offers a real possibility to help preserve and protect the natural world."
As you can see, the funding from his Earth Fund will be used to finance concrete actions for protecting the planet from the damages caused by climate change. But, what I liked most was the message he gave to the world about the planet.  
"We can save Earth. It's going to take collective action from big companies, small companies, nation-states, global organizations, and individuals. ⁣⁣⁣⁣I'm committing $10bn to start and will begin issuing grants this summer. Earth is the one thing we all have in common - let's protect it, together."⁣⁣⁣

It seems that he took these words straight from my mouth and my heart. I strongly believe that our planet is one of the most important things we have in common. And, as such, it should be priority number one on the agenda of every person on earth. Jeff Bezos can donate billions of dollars and can raise worldwide awareness. But every citizen of the world can make his/her part, starting from small changes in lifestyle and going bigger to actions to raise awareness to other people in the community.  

Well done Mr. Bezos! Your concrete action means a lot in the middle of stupid discussions for the existence of climate change phenomena.  

Here are some articles to show what's going on Earth due to climate change: 

3 Unexpected Negative Impacts of Global Warming

Media influence on Climate Change Discussion

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#climatechange #JeffBezos #Amazon #richestmanonearth #BezosEarthFund #planetprotection  #donation #charity

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