
Wednesday, February 12, 2020

One Life lost in India by Terror of Corona-virus

Corona-virus continues to be the new terror of the world. WHO staff talked today about the in-vain rumors about the finding of the vaccine against the terrible virus. They said it might take from 12 - 18 months to have a vaccine ready for public use. And this is not good news at all. 

Meanwhile, the virus is showing to be much more active than scientists. Now we have: 

  • More than 44,000 people infected in 25 countries, 
  • More than 1,200 people dead from corona-virus.

And, these are only direct impacts of the virus. The economy is feeling the first signs of damage too, with the stock markets being negatively influenced. 

The Indian Farmer Story

Unfortunately, corona-virus is taking other lives as well. I mean the lives of people who have not been physically infected by the virus yet. Here is the story of a father in India, who is another victim of the virus' terror. 

DailyMail told the story of Mr. Bala Krishna, a farmer in Andhra Pradesh's Chittoor district, India. He was diagnosed by doctors with a viral fever. Still, he was so much influenced by corona-virus online videos, that he did not trust doctors' diagnose. He was convinced he had corona-virus. So, he decided to make the greatest sacrifice to protect his family from the presumed virus. He locked his family in the house and hang himself on a tree. When his family (wife and children) finally managed to get out of the house, it was too late for him. 

An incredible story that adds to what we've talked about before: online propaganda. Many people trust more online information, rather than physicians' opinion. 

The late Indian farmer is probably the first victim of corona-virus fear. Most probably, more collateral deaths will happen as well. People scared-to-death from the virus, could not wait until the virus really chooses them to be among its victims. 

Why Physicians leave Information Gaps?

More than 5 friends of mine kept repeating to me today that in online media circulate a forecast of 50 million deaths will be caused by corona-virus. But, as a professional user of online information, I would not listen to such news until I hear it from experts in the health sector. 

But, were are the physicians? Why don't they appear in the media to help people with correct information? Why do they leave such a big information gap in people's minds? I understand they need more time to be secure for their findings. But, they can avoid these kinds of collateral deaths, by just explaining loudly that only laboratory tests can diagnose corona-virus infection. It is very important to explain things to people, who find themselves scared by natural disasters (fires, floodings, storms, earthquakes) and finally by a terrible virus. Poor people need to hear experts tell what's happening and what they should do. 

A Sincere Appeal to Online Media Players    

Online media on the other side, should be more responsible and for a minute think about their readers. The "use terror of people to get clicks" strategy should be stopped in the name of Mr. Bala Krishna's death and the suffering of his family. Please stop spreading unproved news about such sensitive matters. Intentional misinformation apart a crime is a great sin pending on your souls. Let's help people get through the terror they feel right now. Corona-virus is definitely confusing everyone's lives at the point to take erratic life decisions.       


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