
Sunday, April 5, 2020

Human Rights in UN to be protected by China?!

It sounds like a joke created under the stress of the coronavirus crisis. But, unfortunately, it is true! In the middle of the coronavirus crisis, that started exactly in China, we hear that the UN has approved China to be part of the UN Human Rights Council (Human Rights Watch). This unsound decision is opposed by many independent human rights organizations. They are asking UN leadership to denounce the appointment of China.     


What does a Member of the UN Human Rights Council? 

The UNHCR influential Consultative Group is composed of 5 members. Each member represents one particular country. This council plays a key role in picking the world body's human rights investigators - including global monitors on freedom of speech, health, enforced disappearances, and arbitrary detention.

The decision to have China joining this group makes possible for it (China) to lead the process of appointment of at least 17 human rights mandate-holders over the next year. These are people who investigate, monitor, and publicly report on either specific country situations, or on thematic issues in all parts of the world, such as freedom of speech and religion. 

That being said, I fully agree with the irritation of human rights activists. China is one of the countries around the world that symbolize the violation of human rights. How can the world trust and respect the new representatives of UNHCR for human rights? Or, probably for the first time in the UN history proposed candidate from the consultative group will not be mandated by the organization?!

I don't know what will happen during this year with the selection process of human rights investigators. But, for sure the UN decision is sneering to the memory of students crashed by tanks in Tiananmen Square. Those students died again and this time the guilty party is the UN leaders.

This was the result of the Tiananmen Square massacre after the tanks left.

The successors of the same communist regime will now be responsible to select the independent officials that will protect human rights around the world. And, this is acceptable for UN leaders' standards?! Quite amazing!

What can I say ... some officials have lost completely the big picture and are so afraid to maintain strict standing on some untouchable and uncompromised matters such as human rights are.

I am very curious to see what will be the report of the new investigators on the charges of the USA and some other countries against China for misinformation on the coronavirus crisis there. I hope China will not be the leader of the panel for the selection of those health investigators. I hope UN leadership will listen to the objections of international activists and will correct an unacceptable mistake like this.



This is probably the best way to teach our children their rights. I hope any of the UN leaders get the chance to go through this fantastic book and understand their mistake. Click here to check the details and buy the book. 

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How to determine the Accurate Social Distance?

Apart from handwashing, social distancing is the other notion we keep hearing all the time in any type of media. The advice to apply social distancing keep coming out of the mouth of physicians, politicians, artists, sportsmen, show moderators, journalists, little children, common people, etc.

Some of them call it sanitary distance, or social distance, or safe zone, or physical distance. But the big question is: How can people measure the accurate distance? Should they get a metallic meter with them and measure the 1.5 - 2 m distance anytime they come close to other people? Or, should they just open wide their arms and use this practical way to measure the social distance? Differently, take a huge pen and sign a circle with a 1.5 m radius and stay in the middle of it. Another way is to walk in the street inside a bubble πŸ˜‰.

I'm sure among billions of people living under the isolation regime, lots of creative ways are found. But, I think one of the most original ones is that of the authorities of Leon County in Florida, USA. In an attempt to make it simple and very practical to people how to apply social distancing they wrote on Facebook:           

"This is a reminder that during COVID 19, please remember to keep at least 1 large alligator between you and everyone else at all times." 

This message was illustrated with this fantastic photo as well:

I became curious to learn how long is a big Aligator. And, guess what. If they were talking about an American alligator, people should keep a distance of 3 - 4.6 m. But, if they were talking about a Chinese alligator, they should stay 1.5 m apart. πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜‚

Jokes apart, I think it is very important to respect social distancing and personal hygiene rules. This is the only way for us to give time to scientists to find a cure for the COVID-19 infection.

Current Situation with Coronavirus Crisis in the USA

  • Number of infected people 311, 637 (no. 1 in the world)
  • Numer of total deaths: 8,454
  • Number of recovered people: 14,828
  • Number of people in a critical situation: 8,206        
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As soon as the coronavirus isolation will come to an end, we must enjoy the coming of the warm season. 
Here is a fantastic hat for your long walks. Click here to see the details and to buy it.  

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    Saturday, April 4, 2020

    The Corona Beer in the terrible Corona Virus Crisis

    I love "Corona" Beer. It is one of the two beers I actually enjoy (and that is not bad for a wine drinker like me). But, the poor beer was held 'guilty' by the general public due to its name. Unconsciously, people associate the Mexican beer with the novel coronavirus.

    At the beginning of the pandemic crisis, I was sorry to hear some news, about the decline in sales of Corona Beer. I was surprised. Why the hell should people associate the beer with the virus? But, then I understood that most people at the time did not know anything about the virus. They were not aware of the fact that scientists named the novel virus according to its shape, like a crown (in Latin corona).

    Coronavirus projected

    So, I kept looking for other pieces of news about my favorite beer. And, here is a sad one: The company in Mexico announced the temporary interruption of the production of beer. Reason? The deteriorating coronavirus situation in the USA. All bars and restaurants are closed and alcoholic drinks are not considered basic food from the federal government.

    Differently from the previous news, the Corona Beer company declared that it had a successful first quarter for 2020. Sales exceeded forecast and even new products recently introduced to the market went well. Apparently, these good results were reached due to the relaxed situation in the USA.

    Beermargaritta with Corona Beer.Image:

    But, April's situation was turned ups and down. Right now the USA is the most affected country by coronavirus crisis in the world. The whole country is locked down and it is the government who decided which goods could enter the country. Even though there has been higher demand from isolated people for beer, still no import of "Corona" beer is allowed.

    I hope the Beer of the Crown will reassume production soon. Otherwise, its American customers will suffer its absence. Fortunately, there is still "Corona" beer in the supermarket shelves where I live, so let's raise a toast:

    "To the end of coronavirus and to return of normal life. Cheers with a Corona beer, lemon, and salt." 🍺  


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    Football Clubs thinking about how to mitigate the Existing Crisis

    Many speculations are going on around about the football players and their staggering wages. Suddenly, the same people that admired football stars are now criticizing their special status. It is normal now to hear among Italian people the phrase:
    "Where is Ronaldo to protect you from the pandemic crisis? Why is he paid so much for?"

    British football stars stand in the same circumstances. In the middle of the coronavirus crisis there, football clubs are questioning the payment of their salaries for the season. And, there are several reasons for that:

    1. Football clubs lose due to the interruption of every sports activity (without any set new date). The reduction of cost is one of the ways they see as a solution.
    2. General public opinion puts pressure on rich football players to give their contribution to the unprecedented situation
    3. An unfinished season means non-completion of the terms of the contract. Certainly, the British government is not even considering at all to cover the salaries of football players.        

    The new proposal made public these days is the reduction by 30% of this season's salaries for all football players in the Premier League. Right now, the proposal is still under discussion between the football clubs and the Professional Footballers' Association.


    I believe this is what is going to happen. I can't say if this is fair or not for the football players. But, considering the crisis situation when the whole economy is suffering, and other non-playing staff already send on obligatory leave; this is a justifiable measure. 

    As I've said before, life is not going to be the same after the coronavirus pandemic crisis. I'm not sure if showbiz and sports celebrities will lose their privileged status. What I hope in fact, is to give more focus to the researchers and physicians to make living on earth more secure. Definitely, we need to be entertained and to enjoy life. But, there is no space for fun if we feel threatened for our lives.     

    Today's Situation with Coronavirus Crisis

    The number of infected people worldwide is reaching 1,200,000 people. Newly infected cases are growing on a daily basis, showing the outbreak of the virus. More than 64,000 people have lost their lives till now, while more than 42,000 infected people are hospitalized and in critical situations.     



    As soon as the coronavirus isolation will come to an end, we must enjoy the coming of the warm season. 
    Here is a fantastic hat for your long walks. Click here to see the details and to buy it.  

    In our attempts to help you, dear readers, to have an easier life, we took the time to select the best products for you. Visit our e-SHOP to access Fantastic Products for the Best of Your Family and Yourself. Stop by each Category Wish List and buy products that fit your needs. Enjoy!

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    #footballclubs #PremierLeague #footballplayerssalaries #ChristianoRonaldo  #footballstars 

    Friday, April 3, 2020

    Do you know what is the Biggest Donation to Food Bank?

    The pandemic crisis in the USA has grown the number of people in need of basic food. Food Bank is one of the charity organizations working to fill in such demand. Recently, they received $100 million the biggest single contribution in their history.

    Who made the Record Donation?

    Can you guess who could be so generous in these difficult days? Who else rather than Jeff Bezos, the famous boss of Amazon, the online sales giant. It seems that Mr. Bezos has decided to share parts of the extra sales of last weeks, with people in need.

    Such fantastic news for people working at Food Bank, as they were complaining about struggling with increased demand and reduction in donations. The huge donation will go directly to supply with basic food, people in need throughout the USA. They believe this donation will improve the lives of 46 million people they support regularly.

    This is not the first time Mr. Bezos invades headlines for his spectacular donations. Just at the beginning of this year, he announced the creation of the "Bezos Earth Fund" to support climate change issues.

    Another important contribution done by Amazon is the interruption of online sales for N95 face masks. The entire face maks stock was donated to medical staff fighting in the first-line with coronavirus.

    What is happening in the USA?       

    The USA is officially the most affected country by coronavirus pandemic crisis. As of today, there are over 276,000 infected people and the number keeps growing day after day. Today was recorded the highest number of newly infected people (+31,160) in 24 hours. More than 25% of infected cases worldwide are diagnosed in the USA. Unfortunately, today the country reported the highest number of daily deaths: 1,314. 

    The economical situation does not look good as well. As reported by CNBC, over 10 million Americans are declared jobless due to the pandemic crisis. Without any income, these people risk missing their rent payments and could be in the necessity of food supplies.

    Many manufacturing companies have shifted their production toward emergency products such as ventilators, hand sanitizers, and house sanitizers, face masks, gloves, etc.

    The number of people diagnosed with COVID-19 worldwide is approaching 1,100,000, while deaths caused by the virus are getting closer to 60,000 victims.


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    Thursday, April 2, 2020

    This is a Funny Aftereffect of Frequent Hand Washing

    The frequent and proper handwashing is one of the symbols of the COVID-19 Pandemic crisis. And, I'm sure the industry of soap is blooming in this period. Almost every person on earth is washing hands thoroughly and more frequently.

    But, what happened in a Florida Zoo was very funny. One of the female orangutans, Sandra, 34 years old has started to wash her hands for 20 seconds after watching her caretakes doing so. Isn't it funny guys? I laughed so much when I saw the video. Unfortunately, the owners of the video removed it, so I'm not able to show it to you.

    But, you can imagine a big orangutan sitting on the floor with a bar of soap in hand. She uses a washbowl to wash her hands πŸ˜‚. While we are struggling to teach our little children to properly wash their hands, the lady orangutan here, learned it in an autodidact way. πŸ˜†

    The situation today with Coronavirus Crisis

    This is a funny moment in a very tragic day of coronavirus crisis. 5,663 people died today from the infection, and 1/5 of them were in France 😒. The number of infected people around the world is over 1 million people now, and the crisis has not reached its pick yet. The total number of deaths so far: 52.855 people. RIP         

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    Wednesday, April 1, 2020

    The Worst Day of Coronavirus Crisis for Spain

    The pandemic crisis is exploding in Europe and the USA. Spain continues to reflect on how heavy the situation remains there, with the high number of deaths and infected people. The situation is worsening in France, UK, and Germany. The total number of countries affected by the virus is 202. 

    Here are the updated figures of the Coronavirus Crisis as per April 1, 2020

    Number of Infected People: 933,688

    Top 5 countries: 1. USA - 213,908
                               2. Italy -  110,574 
                               3. Spain - 104,118
                               4. China - 81,554
                               5. Germany - 77,981

    USA continues to be the most affected country in terms of number of people infected. While Italy is showing reduced speed of new infection, Spain is increasing quite fast in number of infected people. 

    Number of Deaths: 46,869 (+4,560)  

    Top 5 countries: 1. Italy - 13,155 (+727)
                               2. Spain - 9,387 (+923) 
                               3. USA - 4,788 (+735)
                               4. France - 4,032 (+509)
                               5. China - 3,312

    Spain has reached another new records on daily deaths😒. USA, UK (+536) and France are growing pretty fast in this indicator as well.  Italy remains still high in number of deaths/day. 

    Number of Daily New Cases: 75,333

    Top 5 countries: 1. USA - 25,378
                               2. Spain - 8,195
                               3. Germany - 6,173
                               4. France - 4,861
                               5. Italy - 4,782

    The number of daily new cases continues to grow and the main contributors are: USA and Spain. The pandmic crisis in USA is moving up numbers of worldwide statistics. Still increasing the number of daily new infections in Spain. 

    Number of Recovered People: 193,831  (on average +10,000 per day) 

    Top 5 countries: 1. China - 76,238
                               2. Spain - 22,647
                               3. Germany - 18,700
                               4. Italy - 16,847
                               5. Iran - 15,473

    The recovery rate so far is only 20% of total infected people, far away from the calculated rate of 99%. Seems that the isolation regime most affected countries are applying will change the final date of the pandemic. Seems that titanic effort of Spanish physicians are paying back with the fast increasing recovery cases there. Germany is woring well with recoveries as well.  

    Number of Active Infected People: 692, 928 (+15,794) 

    Top 5 countries: 1. USA - 200,315
                               2. Italy - 80,572
                               3. Spain - 72,084
                               4. Germany - 58,350
                               5. France - 42,023

    The increasing perfomance in this indicators means the pandemic crisis is still expanding. So, more time in needed for us to say when the pandemic crisis is coming to an end. China has got out of the Top 5 Countries Ranking, displaying the real case when the crisis is under control. Let's hope this indicator will be decreasing in the next weeks.  

    Number of People in Critical Situation: 35,475  (+2,369)

    Top 5 countries: 1. France - 6,070
                               2. Spain 5,872
                               3. USA - 5,005
                               4. Italy - 4,035
                               5. Iran - 3,871

    The number of people in critical situation continues to grow, despite the high number of deaths. The math was not right last weeks, as many people in Italy and Spain were dying in their homes, without being registered in the official numbers. Seems that now the data are complete and we can project high number of deaths for the coming week as well.    

    The bad news is increasing while the coronavirus crisis is blooming in Europe and the USA. Italy and Spain are the most affected countries for fatalities' number. RIP! In both countries, the health system is completely collapsed, due to the very high number of patients in need of hospitalization. Both these countries have registered high levels of infections to medical staff in the front line too. The tremendous spreading speed of the pandemic is putting a lot of pressure into the health systems in affected countries.

    The only way we can help the medical staff and our health is to stay at home and apply high-level hygiene and social distancing. Our behavior will determine while we decrease the speed of the virus' spreading, thus reducing the number of cases that go to the hospital. A big appeal for all Americans and Europeans: Stay at Your Home, please! Let's sacrifice today our social life in the name of life! The pandemic crisis will come to an end soon and we may continue with our normal routine and interrupted plans


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    Saturday, March 28, 2020

    Food Contamination charged as Terrorist Attack

    Some days ago, I wrote about an unusual notification from the FBI. They declared the call of some extremist groups in the USA, who were planning to use coronavirus as a biological weapon.   And, it seems they did the right thing to raise public awareness about that potential threat.

    The first case was registered with a woman two days ago in a grocery shop in Pennsylvania. She made it damage $35,000 of fresh food on the shelves of a Gerrity supermarket. How she did it? In the most disgusting possible way: spitting and coughing right over fresh vegetables, fresh meat, bread, and some groceries. Security cameras showed the woman doing this horrible action on purpose while shouting she was infected with the coronavirus.

    The end of the story? The woman was arrested and charged with four crimes: 2 felony counts of terrorist threats, 1 for use of a biological agent, and 1 for criminal mischief. Meanwhile, the supermarket staff has thrown away the full amount of contaminated food and performed full disinfection of the shop and particularly of the shelves with contaminated food. 

    It sounds crazy to see a young woman (only 35 years old) doing such an ugly action, especially related to food. Food is one of the fine things in life and is considered sacred even in normal times. But, damaging food in a situation of panic, as the existing one caused by coronavirus pandemic crisis, is a great sin. And, a penal offense as well.

    I am curious to know if the arrested lady was infected in reality and if she is part of any of the extremists' groups mentioned by the FBI. Or, she is just mad on her own and thought to do a stupid and cruel thing to express the darkest side of her soul. I don't know! I hope she will not serve as an example for other disturbed people around the world. And, I really hope she gets maximum punishment possible. 

    Meanwhile, do not forget to wash thoroughly any type of food you enter in your house. Contamination could happen even unintentionally and it is a safety measure to disinfect with alcohol all packages of food. Stay Safe and Healthy!  

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    One of the safety measures to be protected by coronavirus infection is to wear a face mask.
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