Saturday, March 14, 2020

This is Another Frightening Effect of the 'Ugly' Coronavirus

COVID-19 or known by people as 'coronavirus' is the new terror of the earth. This virus with a noble name, the virus of the crown, is kneeling the whole world (over 143,000 infected people in 135 countries, and 5,391 deaths). 

It has seriously impacted stock exchanges and the global economy. In some countries, people's personal freedom of movement is restricted solely to the perimeter of their individual houses. 

Such immediate people's lifestyle is making them as creative as ever to find ways to kill their free time at home. One of these is this video I found online. 

Funny indeed. 

What most people know and fear so far about coronavirus is that it causes dangerous pulmonary infection. Such lungs' inflammation causes severe breathing crisis, that could lead to death. But, another piece of bad news arrives from China too. Doctors in Beijing have experienced one case of a patient that was diagnosed with encephalitis, an inflammation of the brain caused by COVID-19. 

After this, the map of organs affected by the frightening virus is composed of: 

  1. The lungs,
  2. The kidneys, 
  3. The heart, 
  4. The liver 
  5. and finally, the brain.  

China is the only hope for the world suffering from coronavirus. It seems that they have been able to put the infection under control. Day by day we hear a lower number of new people infected with COVID-19 in China (24 in the last 24 hours) and low daily death numbers (only 8 deaths in the last 24 hours). 

While Europe is under severe attack from the virus spread with Italy facing a real war situation, where deaths from COVID-19 are equalling the number of healed patients. The USA and Australia are facing an increased number of people diagnosed positively with coronavirus.       

Let us all pray for people and nations suffering from coronavirus attack. Let's pray this nightmare comes to an end as soon as possible. Stay inside and away from Coronavirus!


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