On 11 February 1933, a 21 year old student named Kigioko lesbian Matsumoto committed suicide by jumping into the volcano's crater Michara, which dominates the island of Izu Oshima.
Student, Matsumoto was "crazy" after the student Masako Tomita.
But at that time were considered taboo lesbian relationships. So, the couple decided to travel to the volcano where Matsumoto can end her life by jumping from the airlift, which enable tourists to see from Spira crater of the volcano and its lava.
In an attempt to exploit the volcano and economically using Matsumoto's suicide incident, to the country to be visited by thousands of tourists, a tourism company, called the island of Izu Oshima, "The place of suicide", and so continued chaos ...
Only in 1933, the same year when a lesbian student ended her life, killed themselves 944 the people. Even in the following years continued suicide being added to the list of 350 suicides others, most shocking in this tragic story is that the country got a lot of great fame and suicides occur in the presence of thousands of people who did stand by and see people jumping to fall in the lava volcano.
By the beginning of World War II, 45 lesbian couples were thrown together in the volcano, following the fate of Matsumoto and fashion that was returned to her suicide.
Meanwhile, this tragedy ended when the Japanese government decided to save the island and the volcano with security forces, while special law is not allowed to buy one ticket without going to Izu Oshima island, otherwise sentenced to prison
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